Jan 22, 2024
How come the most tech illiterate people are aways the ones attempting to teach you about tech?
I'm in the lecture for this course called "Intro to TechnoCulture," I needed a credit for an oddball core cirriculum category that included things like... Chinese I, Chemistry, and Dance. It just has to satisfy "critical thinking" skills while also being outside of your major. So I took this because friends of mine who are art/technology majors (game design, 3d modeling, etc.) said it was easy. I'm in my last semester, I want easy. But easy doesn't mean it has to be inept... boring, maybe, but this is just ironic. The professor for the class discussing the intersection of technology and culture didn't know how to use the projector in this lecture hall, and instead prefers writing on the whiteboard. Which isn't a negative per se; however, this is a lecture hall of like 200 people. The projector would be a lot easier for everyone's eyes. Also, even before the class, the professor attempted to send out a survey, but twice over she sent an editable link, leading to enough issues that she just... gave up on attempting to use it. Ironically enough, it had a lot of questions about university implementation of technology. It's... not great!
I'm a little sick today, too, have been the last couple days. Something like a cold. My boyfriend feels he's to blame but honestly it could have been anything and anyone... Thursday I was at work with my boss and we were doing a lot of physical labor, having to break down pallets of food we got in, then Friday she was out sick and I had to go out in freezing temperatures to pick up donations; was out in the cold for around 45 minutes total. Even with gloves my hands were frozen. Then I had dinner with my boyfriend and his roommate, the roommate also was early into getting sick, whereas my boyfriend was already feeling better from mild sinus symptoms. It was also the first week of classes so I'm sure bugs are just everywhere. I am tired, though, which isn't helping with this pretty bland class. I've got this class, then a probably more evolved version of it with a class titled "philosophy of technology," which I'll get out of around 3:45. I miscalculated yesterday, I thought I got out of class at 2:15 and would have more time after class to meal prep, which I've been meaning to do... I should still have some time to do that, though.
I don't know if it's the fatigue or if this is just annoying but a guy sat down next to me and has been rummaging through his bag and moving around a lot and making other noises and it's driving me nuts. It's probably the fatigue. I'm falling asleep while sitting up over here. I hope my second class is more engaging. Maybe it won't be though, this first class we were supposed to read some Plato and Aristotle. I decided to not do that. Oh my god I need a nap...
[Chase Mueller © 2025. Addt'l Credits. ]