Nov 26, 2023
Hi! Long time no see. Right before Thanksgiving, most of my time was occupied by work and practicing for my university's emo nite, where I played Pete Wentz for the night (played bass for the Fall Out Boy cover). It went AMAZING! Had such a good time and did a good job. Ended up just doing Thanksgiving with my dad, he didn't want to go down and do the entire extended family Thanksgiving in his hometown (which is fine with me because it's like a 5 hour drive from where I am) cause he has to fly out for a work thing Monday morning. But we made some stuff anyway, and I got to leave with all the leftovers! So W for me. Friday I made some edits to the site, but didn't have time to complete a blog about it, lol. I'm trying to think of other stuff I can do with my little site here, keep things fresh. But I prolly shouldn't commit to anything crazy, it's about to be finals season and I'll absolutely have my work cut out for me.
Also, SpaceHey got an app! That's pretty cool. It'll be even cooler when it has more functionality, but it's cool that it's even up at all. That's another thing I've neglected updating as of late, but I've just been so busy.
Hopefully I'll talk to you all soon!
[Chase Mueller © 2025. Addt'l Credits. ]